Full body conditioning workout by the Top MMA Fitness Instructor

High kicks: great for toning the glutes but a torch-wrenching workout for the abs.  It may not look it, but this martial arts move is one serious ab toner- your obliques and abdominal wall muscles have to work during the entire exercise to balance your body while you lift and extend your leg.  While shaping and toning the glutes, you will set your abs on fire and create a shredded outer oblique look. 
Always start by lifting your knee then extending your foot out while contracting your abs the entire time. 

Squat jump knees are a great lower body workout but mostly they have a ripping effect on your abs, working the outer obliques.  Not only are these great to shape and tone your glutes, quads, and hamstrings but you will quickly enhance your abs while gaining cardio endurance at the same time. 

Sledgehammer: one of the toughest, raw, hardcore upper body workouts you can do.  Building strength, gaining muscle, building endurance, and toning abs all at once.  An all-in-one upper body, core strengthening workout.  Besides chiseled abs and an amazing upper body, you’ll also gain improved conditioning, increased strength, improved awareness, improved athleticism, improved hand/eye coordination. 

Another intense cardio and ab killer are alternating roundhouse kicks.  The roundhouse kick is one of the most powerful strikes a person can deliver.  This kick utilizes the entire body in the movement.  The kick derives its power from the rotational movement of the body, mainly the hips and trunk muscles which is what shreds your core up and gives you a stellar six-pack!  Not only will you gain killer cardio from alternating roundhouse kicks but you will walk around with abs like a fighter!


High Kicks – 5 Sets with 20 sec hold

High Knee Runners 5 Sets – 1 Min

Push Ups 5 Sets – 25 Reps

Mountain Climbers 5 Sets – 50 Reps

Sledge Hammer 5 Sets 20 Per Side

Squat Side Kicks 5 Sets 10 Per Side

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Why Weight Training Is Important | Bruce Drago MMA

Many people enjoy weight training, whether it’s to train for a sport, to try to improve ones appearance or simply just to release and reduce stress at the end of the day.

Although many weight trainers enjoy the self-confidence and fit physique that comes from weight training, the benefits of weight training go drastically beyond physical appearance and strength. Bruce Drago MMA lists some of the real benefits of weight training, that include physical and mental benefits. Along with what differentiates the benefits for women, compared to the benefits of weight training for men.

Weight training is incredibly beneficial, it can fight against depression. It is positively well known that weight training will lift your mood which in turn creates a more pleasant lifestyle!  It also increases endorphins.  Endorphins are released during weight training and exercise they have a pain relieving and an anti depressant effect.  So if one were depressed, weight training would be an excellent choice.

Many people think of weight training as something just for men.  This statement is far from true, there also are many benefits for women. One reason some women don’t weight train is the misconception they will bulk up and look too masculine. There happens to be no truth to this theory; women do not have the hormones necessary to bulk up. Women who do achieve the bulky and manly appearance have most likely accomplished it through steroid use and dieting.  Women can add muscle tone while losing body fat and gaining small amounts of muscle. Bruce Drago MMA knows that weight training is a superior form of training for men and women.  Not only will it make you look better but you will feel better as well.